5 Return to Office Event Ideas

Resources, Tips & Tricks
5 Return to Office Event Ideas

Now that life is slowly returning to normal after a pandemic threw us for a loop, many employees are finally returning to the office. If your company is ready to transition back to in-office work, it’s time to celebrate! Check out five return to office event ideas below. 

1. First Day Back Photos

Set up a photo booth at the office and include signs that say things like “First day back” and “I love people.” Encourage employees to participate and then display the pictures on a bulletin board in the breakroom or add them to the company newsletter. This lighthearted activity will break the ice and commemorate a new chapter for your company’s story. Consider including company swag-like stickers with the company logo that employees can receive once they’ve had their picture taken.

2. Welcome Back Gifts

Who doesn’t like presents? And your employees deserve something special after months of working from home. Put together small gift bags with some of your best company swag for your employees to welcome them back to the office. You can include pens and pencils with the company logo, or a mug filled with candy to snack on during the day. To signify a return to the new normal, you can even include a custom face mask with the company’s logo printed on the front. Offer accrued points for days back in the office so they can keep earning fun gear.  Order some of the best company swag for employees from Righteous and plan a few special activities to make your employees’ return to the office both a fun and positive experience.

3. Onboarding (Again)

Many companies furloughed employees at the beginning of the pandemic and some are finally returning to the office. New hires may never have been properly introduced to the rest of the staff, and old employees will need to be refreshed on the company’s procedures and policies. To do this, consider planning a few icebreaker activities when everyone returns, and use this time to go over important information like your company’s policies, where items are located, and where the best coffee shop is located nearby. Consider ordering some custom swag to hand out like pens, mugs, or t-shirts with the company logo and a fun, upbeat message. 

4. Brunch or Lunch Party

Employees have been isolated for months, and this is the first opportunity for everyone to see each other again in person. Plan a special brunch or luncheon so everyone can catch up and flex those social muscles again. Order donuts from a local shop and plan a couple of games to break the ice. If you want to include prizes, consider buying a few gift cards from local restaurants or hand out company swag complete with your business’s logo.

5. Employee Wellness

This year has been difficult for everyone, and it’s important to have an increased awareness of the health of your employees. Many adults have been isolated and anxious about the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, and many people have struggled with their mental health. People have lost loved ones to Covid and parents are burnt out from working at home while helping their children with online learning. Take some time to provide a list of resources that your company offers to its employees. Tie a bottle of sanitizer to the list with your company’s logo, and hand it out to employees as they return back to the office.

Returning to the office is exciting, but it can also be stressful for employees who have grown used to working from home. Make sure you mark your return to office event ideas with positive experiences for your employees to boost morale and set the work environment up for success. Righteous has the best company swag, kitting, and online stores to make it easy, and we’d love to work with you to make your back-to-office transition the best experience possible. Contact us today to order your custom gear.